Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

Dragon Nest Force User - Introduction – Goddess of Time & Space

Force Users have been hidden in the shadows of Elemental Lords and have been considered as her dark sister because of her skills.
Let’s prove them wrong – adelleX
Force Users are beautiful and scary in their own ways because of her time control and great disabling skills.
With this guide, I hope you can learn to love Force Users as much as I do.
I admit that our skills are not easy to use but once you know it by heart, you will know what skill combinations to do.
We are one tricky class that may change the flow of the game.
Though we usually act as support but we may also be considered as a sub-dps class as well.
This guide covers basic questions of the new and old Force Users (mostly leaning on the Majesty Path).
PVP build and tips plus Sea Dragon Nest Guide for Force Users will be in another guide compilation.

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